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Brand Strategy  /  Identity  /  Product Naming

The HX

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Brand strategy developed for a unique television series focusing on mental health for black men. First ever pitch of it's kind was greenlit by major Hollywood production company.


To develop a television series pitch for black men in America that differentiated from anything that had ever been created. The idea was to build a brand eco-system where the television show served as the main hub of content and story.


Neon Wilderness helped to create a brand strategy and vision beyond the television series for the audience. Using research, discovery sessions, collaboration with producers, writers and show runners.

Neon Wilderness developed a holistic strategy never seen in the entertainment world for television development. This ultimately led to the series being immediately green-lit as the strategy, messaging, concept and vision was abundantly clear and inspired.

Healing is the path to success.

Extensive research was conducted on audience demographics, psychographics, occupations, problems, pains, fears and desires. In addition, research was conducted into competitive analysis' across existing projects to radically differentiate and define the HX project.

Transformation without isolation.

Developing brand messaging, project name, brand storytelling, archetypes, vocabulary, taglines and messaging to build an ecosystem that extends beyond the television show as a product. A strategy was developed to extend into digital and physical tactics.

We worked directly with producers and writers to build a unique experience for the audience.


  • Brand Strategy Document
  • Brand Identity Design
  • Brand Style Guide
  • Social Media strategy and art direction
  • Marketing campaign assets


  • First-ever approach utilizing brand strategy in conjunction with a project pitch of it's kind
  • Greenlit project at major Hollywood production company upon first meeting
  • Promote premier of film across theaters in U.S.
  • Brand assets used to close deals with Universal and Hulu
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