Position at Company
Company Website
What is the problem that your business has the solution for?
Describe your solution and provide three key words to sum it up.
What should your satisfied customers experience from your solution?
What do you want your audience to feel on the back of your solution?
Where do you want your business to be or what do you want your business to achieve in the next 10 years?
What would you like your audience, suppliers and the wider public to say about the way you conduct business?
Provide as much information as possible about who your audience is (Describe your perfect client).
What is the problem that your business has the solution for?
Who are your top three competitors?
What do they do better than you do?
What do you do better than they do?
What is the one key area your solution excels above all else?
What characteristics would you like your audience to see in your brand (Eg Bold, Conservative, Modern, Traditional, etc)
Provide 3-4 examples of WEBSITES that you like the appearance of and describe what you like about the appearance.
Provide 3-4 examples of SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS that you like the appearance of and describe what you like about the appearance.
Use keywords to describe how you would like your brand to appear visually.
Do you have any specific brand collateral requirements? (eg. Business Cards, Brochures, Advertising Etc.)
Do you have any specific website/digital media requirements? (eg. e-commerce, Functionality, Software Integration, Content Distribution, social media, video production etc.)
Please provide any other insightful information we can use in the development of your brand. (This information can include insights about your customer, competitors, industry or trends happening in your marketplace. - No additional information is out of place in this section).